{ So I wrote this and realized my thoughts were not as put together as I thought. I started one place and went somewhere else. But, I also know my writing will not get better unless I practice, so here is me sharing the thoughts in my head....and practicing! Trying to get back into the swing of writing...this is quite the process...its like learning to ride a bike again...for me..its something I used to do so often and now ..yeah well yall will see in this blog how my writing has suffered and hopefully overtime we will see some improvement!
I usually Just start typing, but will work on planning things out a little better
hopefully the next post will be better!
PS. I will be plugging in more scripture later, have to look some more up that I wanted to put in it }
[Eccl. 3:4 "A time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance"]
{ Short note reflecting on last week at one of my child care jobs}
It was the end of the day and almost time for me to leave and go home. Little Susie had put on her princess dress while me and her mom chatted. She snekas up and hugs my legs, and
says " excuse me ms. treneka, excuse me" , looking up at me her big brown eyes ginning from ear to ear
says " excuse me ms. treneka, excuse me" , looking up at me her big brown eyes ginning from ear to ear
"Yes little Ms. Susie"
" can we dance now? " (Dancing had not been mentioned before that momment)
Our day had been filled with Reading,storytelling, building forts and castles and building traps for the invading enemy, spiders, and chores. Twas' a full day for me and a bunch of the kiddos. But before I go she says "We have to dance before you go" with such vigor; as in her eyes it was the most important thing we did that day.
"We are princesses" she tells me
"We are princesses" she tells me
"Ok, Susie hold on"
She grabs my hands as to prepare to dance
"One minute Phoebe, we will dance"
she just giggles and holds my hands silently as she waits for me to finish talking.
I can not ignore her hands in mine, I stop talking, tell her mom I should get going.
I can not ignore her hands in mine, I stop talking, tell her mom I should get going.
Then we danced.......
She giggles, and twirls, and swirls around me in her pink princess dress and there is no music playing , no rhtym to jam to nothing but our synchronic laughter. I smiled so hard my cheeks were hurting.
She is happy, she is a joyful princess, swirling around and enjoying life, and I dance in this momment with her.
She is happy, she is a joyful princess, swirling around and enjoying life, and I dance in this momment with her.
...reminded of another conversation with this precious girl.
...reminded of another conversation with this precious girl.
She came up too me -- quite literally in my face and says , with all seriousness a 4 year old can give you. "
"Ms. treneka can I tell you something?"
"Yes, Susie go ahead"
"Yes, Susie go ahead"
She holds one finger in the air, her one point, "We are pretty princesses"
She holds one finger in the air, her one point, "We are pretty princesses"

{Image copyright: Marinka van Holten, from stock.xchng.}
I said "Thats right Susie, princesses of the King of Kings!"
Ladies I hope that we dont forget to dance with our father the king! And by "dance" I dont mean just literally dancing with Him for Him! I mean dont forget that despite the fact that we will face persecution, and hardships that there is a Joy we have in Christ, when spending time with Him we find this. We know we will experience hard things because the bible warns us of this. We will deal with fear, and struggle with different things and will need to build up traps/attacks against the enemy by filling ourselves with the word. But Dont forget to delight in the Lord, to enjoy His presence to observe and be gateful for all that He has given you.
The sun that shines on your face, the flowers for you to smell, your friends and family to laugh with. Your voice to sing and shout praises to Him, and your feet to frolic, to run, to waltz, to dance with!
The Lord desires so much to spend time with His princesses for them to come away with Him, not only when we need to build up our defense , or need to be healed, but to come to Him just cause, not because we need something.
The sun that shines on your face, the flowers for you to smell, your friends and family to laugh with. Your voice to sing and shout praises to Him, and your feet to frolic, to run, to waltz, to dance with!
The Lord desires so much to spend time with His princesses for them to come away with Him, not only when we need to build up our defense , or need to be healed, but to come to Him just cause, not because we need something.
{Song of Solomon 2:10"My beloved speaks and says to me, Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away. "}
{Song of Solomon 2:10"My beloved speaks and says to me, Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away. "}
Just because we love Him, just because He is our father , friend and beloved, because we want to know Him personally!
Just because we love Him, just because He is our father , friend and beloved, because we want to know Him personally!
Joy is a weapon against the enemy. Praise is a weapon against the enemy. The enemy wants nothing more than to make you ineffective in kingdom business. He makes you look at yourself instead of to Christ and makes us focus on the "bad' things, our hardships and struggles and not to Christ.He wants to make us grumblers instead of people who are grateful. He wants is to pity ourselves in our weariness instead of perservering with Christ who is our strength. Christ who is completely sufficient to help us with any struggles or trials that may come our way. Christ who equips us for all things that He has called us to and walks with us through our storms. Christ who died on the cross for you so that you may spend eternity with Him, and live life in abundance here on earth. The Lord God whose Holy Spirit lives in you!
Princesses: Sing, praise,shout,dance,war against the enemy, with our Lord, the King of Kings.
Joy is a weapon against the enemy. Praise is a weapon against the enemy. The enemy wants nothing more than to make you ineffective in kingdom business. He makes you look at yourself instead of to Christ and makes us focus on the "bad' things, our hardships and struggles and not to Christ.He wants to make us grumblers instead of people who are grateful. He wants is to pity ourselves in our weariness instead of perservering with Christ who is our strength. Christ who is completely sufficient to help us with any struggles or trials that may come our way. Christ who equips us for all things that He has called us to and walks with us through our storms. Christ who died on the cross for you so that you may spend eternity with Him, and live life in abundance here on earth. The Lord God whose Holy Spirit lives in you!
Princesses: Sing, praise,shout,dance,war against the enemy, with our Lord, the King of Kings.
Psalm 45:11 (Amplified Bible)
11So will the King desire your beauty; because He is your Lord, be submissive and reverence and honor Him
Song Of Solomon 2:4 "He brought me to the banqueting house, and his banner over me was love [for love waved as a protecting and comforting banner over my head when I was near him"